This family. GAH!!! Love them so much! Do you ever just meet “cool people” and know instantly that you want to be friends with them? That’s what happened YEARS ago when I met this girl and her soon to be man- Katherine and Blake! We were in an internship at Healing Place Church together in […]
This was a family session turned lifestyle photography for great reason! This particular family was visiting from California and the other half lived in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The father of the two kiddos was a long time mathematician at Louisiana State University. His two kiddos and family were all together for the holiday so we […]
Ouch!! My blog game has been WEAK!!I These are Spring pictures for this darling family and I am a wee behind! I absolutely love getting to shoot this family though so I could not keep all of it’s goodness to myself! Everytime I go to photograph a family I ask what they would like as […]
By golly we truly adore spring down here in Louisiana! Everything is blooming, the air is thin, the breeze is here and there is actually sun for the first time in weeks!!! Glory, hallelujah. (I just went church lady on ya! But that’s how good it feels) Good bye, Winter!! I had a darling, little […]
It’s been a looooong winter down in the Baton Rouge, Louisiana and we have all been itching at the bit for the grey skies and the downpours to finally stop. So that means it’s time to get back to family sessions, outside in the afternoons and azaleas strewn about the neighborhoods! Thank you Jesus for SPRING! Although […]
Knock, knock!! Who’s there, G? Looks like your new BABY BROTHER, NATHANIEL! And it looks like he is excited to see you as much as you are to see him! I can’t believe Gaby Baby is already a year a couple months old! He is such a fun loving little boy and now he has […]
Some people build buildings, some build cars or resorts or corporations or new magazine designs or flavors of gum or some other long, lengthy list of other fabulous possibilities… And then you have the ones that build, well… others… Whatever you do, I believe it’s to make this world a better place to live, but I do believe there is […]
Well, I hit a milestone in my age…. TWENTY FIVE. Yep, from this year forward I will continually turn 25. I have made this scenario in my head because it helps me to rationalize the fact that I am- from this point forward- going to be forever getting older. So twenty five it is. It’s a […]
First off, I have to say that this shoot was a particular favorite. Why you ask? Well because this particular couple was all about letting me shoot them on paint walls and stranger’s ivy walls and in the side alley with more paint walls. So you can say I was most happy with shooting this […]
Wow. Never would I have imagined this little couple having four lovely children. (And they want more… gasp) Sooo, this Family Session was all new to me! I thought one or two children would be plenty but it seems like for the Matt’s the more the merrier. They pull it off quite nicely as well. The […]
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