Where it all started. Friends of friends. A blind date. Mutual interest. Sparks. Shared smiles. And something began. A bit of like turning into a lot of like and possibly some love… And then it came… the good the bad… the all of it… everything that comes when something like this begins to unfold and you wonder if you should […]
Everyone has got their deal and these people’s deal is being awesome! Meg and Rob. Awesome and awesome-r. No particular order there. Just awesomeness all around. Have never met anyone like them and never intend to eitherThis darling, dapper duo knew how to do a photoshoot!. Meg’s only request was she preferred NO buildings in any […]
By golly we truly adore spring down here in Louisiana! Everything is blooming, the air is thin, the breeze is here and there is actually sun for the first time in weeks!!! Glory, hallelujah. (I just went church lady on ya! But that’s how good it feels) Good bye, Winter!! I had a darling, little […]
Well, this post is a special one for me. I had the opportunity to shoot some photos for one of my best friends, Mollie White (Euhus), and he precious awaited gift of Baby Jackson. I still call that girl by her maiden name because that’s what she will always be to me. I never will forget […]
It’s been a looooong winter down in the Baton Rouge, Louisiana and we have all been itching at the bit for the grey skies and the downpours to finally stop. So that means it’s time to get back to family sessions, outside in the afternoons and azaleas strewn about the neighborhoods! Thank you Jesus for SPRING! Although […]
Knock, knock!! Who’s there, G? Looks like your new BABY BROTHER, NATHANIEL! And it looks like he is excited to see you as much as you are to see him! I can’t believe Gaby Baby is already a year a couple months old! He is such a fun loving little boy and now he has […]
Some people build buildings, some build cars or resorts or corporations or new magazine designs or flavors of gum or some other long, lengthy list of other fabulous possibilities… And then you have the ones that build, well… others… Whatever you do, I believe it’s to make this world a better place to live, but I do believe there is […]
Well, I hit a milestone in my age…. TWENTY FIVE. Yep, from this year forward I will continually turn 25. I have made this scenario in my head because it helps me to rationalize the fact that I am- from this point forward- going to be forever getting older. So twenty five it is. It’s a […]