Wow. Never would I have imagined this little couple having four lovely children. (And they want more… gasp) Sooo, this Family Session was all new to me! I thought one or two children would be plenty but it seems like for the Matt’s the more the merrier. They pull it off quite nicely as well. The […]
The infamous Dinkel boys. Are there any kids cuter? Probably not. But I am super partial. Abram- almost 3 yrs old- to the left and big brother Brody- just made 5- to the right…. they could be in a magazine with that sort of cuteness. Silly faces pics was of course their favorite and I […]
I met this little jewel at our church when her mother reached out looking for a nanny for her kid’s summer. I can’t remember for the life of me how she got my name but it turned out that I was the girl for the job! Amelia was a sweet, little eightieth grader whom had […]