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Hi, I'm Natty!  I'm a photographer in Baton Rouge, Louisiana but I love to travel to wherever you want to go.

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First Babies and making beautiful Maternity Sessions!!!  Man, I couldn’t REALLY know how exciting this aspect of Motherhood was until I became pregnant myself! I had done hundreds of Family Photography Sessions and Maternity Sessions since starting my business full time but honestly, I didn’t understand the JOY behind this slot of time to really […]

Maternity Session in Baton Rouge at Hilltop Arboretum.. and me 5 Months Preggo!


I like a woman who knows what she wants. Possibly, because I was not that woman for so long but oh, how the times do change. Meet Anatasia. She wanted sun flare. Lots and lots of sun flare. Upon leaving the shoot she even asked, “can you add the sun light to all the images“. […]

Baton Rouge Family Photography Session


There is so much backstory to this girl in this shoot but it’s more than a blog post amount so I am going to give you the super condensed version… There is probably no amount of words to truly capture this couple’s essence. Especially the gal pictured… Mollie…  Never met a nicer girl in the entire world […]

Baton Rouge Family Photography Session


First off, I have to say that this shoot was a particular favorite. Why you ask? Well because this particular couple was all about letting me shoot them on paint walls and stranger’s ivy walls and in the side alley with more paint walls. So you can say I was most happy with shooting this […]

Baton Rouge Family Photography Session


the Gallups.  Am I the only one that loves a Maternity Session? This little family, being close friends, allows me to use my creative side! We started in our low light bedroom to try to capture some moody images of baby and Bailey.  Next spot was our cozy little office with my beloved bookshelf. Ryan […]

Baton Rouge Maternity Photography